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- Rohde & Schwarz
- Решения для тестирования
- R&S®EMC32-K33 EMC32-EB option for EMI measurements in Mode Tuned Chambers Reverberation Chambers

R&S®EMC32-K33 EMC32-EB option for EMI measurements in Mode Tuned Chambers Reverberation Chambers
Категория - Решения для тестирования
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Key Facts The option R&S®EMC32-K33 extends the emission measurement capabilities of R&S®EMC32 for running emission measurements in the reverberation chamber operated in the mode tuned mode according to EN 61000-4-21:2003.Features & Benefits
- Radiated Emission Measurement according to EN 61000-4-21:2003 Annex E (mode tuned operating mode)
- Preview Measurement for different tuner steps in defined frequency subranges
- Calculation and display of the DUT’s radiated power and estimated free space field strength
- Optional data reduction to mark the critical frequencies compared to the limit line
- Fully integration of the test results into the R&S®EMC32 test report
- Supports usage of chamber calibration data and DUT check data from the R&S®EMC32-K3 susceptibility section for R&S®EMC32
- Preview measurement with maximum hold and averaging of the measured radiated power over one tuner rotation (using the predefined tuner steps of the EMI Scan / Sweep template for this subrange) and for each HW Setup frequency subrange.
- The averaged and max hold values will be shown is a separate graphics. After one subrange over one tuner rotation is completed the evaluated results will be shown in a radiated power and estimated E-field strength graphics.
- Data Reduction: optional a data reduction of the estimated E-field data may be executed in order to mark the critical frequencies in the graphics and to generate a final result table containing these frequencies. In this case also a limit line will be drawn in the E-field strength graphics.
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