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R&S®PR100 Portable Receiver
Категория - Радио оборудование
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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On-site radiomonitoring from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHzKey Facts
- Fast panorama scan across the entire frequency range from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz
- 10 MHz IF spectrum and demodulation with bandwidths from 150 Hz to 500 kHz
- Spectrum and spectrogram (waterfall) display on 6.5 color screen
- Storage of measurement data to receiver's built-in SD card
- LAN interface for remote control and data output
- Ergonomic and rugged design for portable use
- Low weight: 3.5 kg including battery
- Manual location of emissions with the R&S®HE400 handheld directional antenna (9 kHz to 7.5 GHz)
- Automatic location of emissions with direction finding algorithms (20 MHz to 6 GHz)
- Display of digital maps on the R&S®PR100, triangulation based on multiple, manually or automatically determined DF results
Brief Description The R&S®PR100 portable receiver has been specifically designed for radiomonitoring applications in the field. The receiver’s functions and control concept have been optimized for monitoring tasks. In addition, it can be used for a variety of other applications. The R&S®PR100 operates in a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz. Whether used for monitoring emissions, detecting interference or locating miniature transmitters, the receiver always combines high mobility with maximum operating ease. The receiver and the R&S®HE400 handheld directional antenna together form a compact receiving system. The receiver can also be used in conjunction with other antennas, e.g. broadband omnidirectional antennas.
Features & Benefits
- Future-ready investment
- Wide frequency range and outstanding performance
- Capable of receiving and processing signals of current and future radio services
- High receiver sensitivity, high signal resolution
- State-of-the-art digital signal processing for high receiver sensitivity and detection of extremely weak signals, without any loss in processing speed
- Significantly superior receiver sensitivity and signal resolution (compared with conventional analog receivers)
- Retrieval of information through demodulation
- Analog-modulated signals demodulated directly in the receiver, contents audible using headphones or built-in loudspeaker
- Digitally modulated signals converted to the baseband using I/Q demodulation and stored in the receiver or exported via LAN
- Online and offline analysis of digitally modulated signals, e.g. with the R&S®CA100 software
- Detection of pulsed signals and radar emissions
- Capture of short-duration pulses, such as radar emissions
- Wide IF bandwidth for analysis of short-duration pulses and pulse packets
- Monitoring receiver and mobile data memory in a single unit
- Collected information written directly to the receiver’s built-in SD card
- Offline analysis of data recording during monitoring
- Efficient operation via remote control
- Full remote control via LAN interface (SCPI commands to IEEE 488.2)
- Efficient, remote receiver operation, e.g. in unattended monitoring stations
- R&S®PR100-Control remote control software from the R&S®RAMON software family included
- Battery operation for mobile use
- Low weight: 3.5 kg including battery
- Long battery-powered operation: approx. 4 hours
- Intuitive and simple operation
- Short learning curve due to straightforward menu structure and simple operation
- Large 6.5 color display for signal analysis
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